Frenzy Women's Ice Hockey

D3 Last Game

Sun 3/10  9:00 AM
vs D2 MsConduct

D4 Last Game

Sun 4/7  11:30 AM
vs Exhibition

D3 Next Game

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D4 Next Game

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Frenzy is a 501c3 women's ice hockey organization located in St. Louis, MO with players of all skill levels. We are USA Hockey registered and are members of a multi-state women's league. Our season is a mix of coached practices, scrimmages, and games. We offer different participation levels to fit your schedule and your ability to travel. We have ice year round and are always looking for more skaters!
Contact us any time during the season if you are interested in skating with us-- first skate is free!

St. Louis Frenzy women's ice hockey

St. Louis Frenzy women's ice hockey

USA Hockey   WCHL

© Copyright 2024 - 2025 St. Louis Frenzy women's ice hockey- All Rights Reserved
No material, text or image-based, from may be copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, transmitted,
or distributed in any form without the express written consent of the St. Louis Frenzy Women's ice hockey team.